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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Am I Covered When I Lend My Car To Friends Or Family?

Am I Covered When I Lend My Car To Friends Or Family?

If you own a car, chances are you’ve let a friend or family member borrow it at least once. After all, there are plenty of reasons to hand over the keys. Maybe you needed a relative to pick up your kids from school. Or you’re helping someone get to work after their car broke down. But did you know that in the event of an...

How To Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Costs

How To Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Costs

If you own a home, homeowners insurance is an item in your budget that’s there to stay. Depending on the size of your home, location, and other factors, your premiums may be significant and could increase over time. However, there are ways to minimize the cost of homeowners insurance. Taking the following steps could help lower your premiums. Increase Your Deductible A deductible is the...